Episode 22: Public Health Response and Child Health in Chicago, IL - Interview with Olyvia of Public Health for the Culture
What is public health, and how do public health responders work together in various capacities at city and state levels? In this episode, we speak to Olyvia, a public health professional and expert in child health in Chicago. She is also a public health podcaster of Public Health for the Culture. We discuss the landscape of public health response in Chicago, how it differs from the overall state of Illinois, and what the culture of pandemic response has looked like for children's health and the occurrence of Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome.
More about MIS-C or Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome: https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/COVID-19/Pages/covid_inflammatory_condition.aspx
Learn more about Olyvia and her podcast on Instagram @therealpublichealth and online at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/public-health-for-the-culture/id1498969942 and https://open.spotify.com/show/3bF3K6PswHVwzEhmwowClI